3 Ways to Speed Up Your Metabolism - Naturally

Speed up your metabolism naturally by doing these 3 things regularly:

  1. Lift Weights
    Muscle requires calories every day to sustain itself. So, the more muscle you build, the faster your metabolism and the more calories needed to sustain that muscle every day. Weight lifting can help counter the drop in metabolism that comes from dieting and weight loss and keep your metabolism nice and high. Many studies have shown that weight lifting and resistance training is more effective at burning fat than those who diet without weight training.

  2. Eat More Fat Burning Foods Like Protein
    Protein causest the largest rise in TEF (Thermic Effect of Food). All food temporarily raises metabolism for a few hours, but protein increases this rise 30% more than other foods. Protein leads to the largest increase in metabolism compared to other foods. Increase the amount of protein you eat every day, decrease the number of refined carbs and speed up your weight loss results.

  3. Drink Teas That Boost Metabolism
    Certain teas such as green tea or oolong tea have been shown to increase metabolism and fat burning. Certain teas help convert fat into fatty acids can lead to easier fat burning and a faster metabolism.

    >>> See The 3 Best Metabolism Boosting Teas


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